View Full Version : Motors & their mountings

  1. Load/torque testing a stepper motor - dynamometers
  2. Selecting motors for the MechMate
  3. M310100K Springs for loading motors against the racks
  4. Understanding OM's taper-hobbed (TH) gearbox
  5. Zero backlash gears
  6. Servo versus Stepper motors
  7. Checking Parts List confirmation of pinion & gearbox
  8. MotionKing motors and controllers
  9. Unipolar, Bipolar series, Bipolar parallel, choices for 2phase steppers
  10. Why a stepper motor should not be too big . . . .
  11. Fitting encoders to stepper motors
  12. Keling Stepper motor
  13. Techlf motors and controllers French company
  14. Duty Rating stepper motors - setting the drive current
  15. Stepper detent, or holding torque for an indexer
  16. Should I buy these "surplus" motors?
  17. Dust-proofing stepper motors and consequences of dust ingress
  18. calculation motor requirements
  19. Stepper Advice
  20. Wiring the PK296A2A-SG7.2 motors & power supply voltage selection
  21. All Motion Motors what do you think?
  22. What motor should i use from these??
  23. M5 10 160 A & M5 10 200 A Motor Mounting Bolts
  24. Teflon Washers.....
  25. Spring tension adjustment - is it needed?
  26. stepper motors what brand to use????
  27. need help testing motors
  28. True Torque of a Servo motor for comparison to a Stepper motor, when used in a router
  29. What does a stepper motor look like inside? (geared Oriental Motor)
  30. Stepper motor wire colours do not match supplier's info - how to figure them out
  31. Damper for stepper motors
  32. Same torque, different sized frame
  33. Are these the same: Pk296ae-sg7.2 (metric) = Pk296a2a-sg7.2 (inch)?
  34. Anyone used Fulling motors?
  35. In need of a little advise from the experts...series or half-coil wiring?
  36. Generic Aussie (Leadshine) Stepper Motors are they OK?
  37. NEMA23 vs NEMA34
  38. My PK296-02AA motors are too low on power output, what can I do?
  39. Initial opinions with this geared motor:
  40. Selecting the voltage to the geckodrives
  41. Where can I find a Motor Shaft Coupler for planetary gearbox?
  42. What do you think about these motors?
  43. Gearbox Backlash Is this to be expected?
  44. Off the shelf belt drive?
  45. Position accuracy & torque of stepper before slip & slip amount
  46. Z-axis stepper motor is too hot
  47. Noise from stepper motors when standing still?
  48. Would you mind to help me to solve the problem for Keling stepper Motor Driver?
  49. Keling KL34H280 Power Supply Help Wanted
  50. Advice on Wantai Motors
  51. Castone Motor Plates
  52. Coil Inductance measurement, is this normal?
  53. Parts recycling
  54. does anyone offer a kit with 7:1 reduction with nema 34 motors . . . . .
  55. How much Torque is required when cutting?
  56. How many motors use mechmate in the long axis
  57. Makita Router Bracket
  58. Trying to pick alternate motors
  59. Motor and control kit
  60. A show of hands - MM builders who have found their motors running hot?
  61. Belt Drive Plates
  62. what brake to use
  63. Direct motors 4Nm and 6,8Nm
  64. Starting point for motors.
  65. How to guarantee zero backlash when mounting the motor mounts...
  66. Chinese Manufacturers and Paypal
  67. Motion King 34HS6803-G5 and G10 cheap gearboxed steppers
  68. ebay shop "easy cnc"
  69. What Does a Stepper Motor Look Like on the Inside?
  70. Back in the market for new motors
  71. stepper motors
  72. Motore Stepper directly on the rack
  73. Working on Belt Drive - Randers Denmark
  74. Need Motor Sizing Help Please
  75. Please Help Me Understand - Belt Drive vs. Geared Stepper
  76. MetalHead Metal Motor Plate Setup
  77. Help with wiring Keling KL34H295-43-8B steppers in Unipolar
  78. Motor plate pivot play?
  79. Gear set screws and loctite?
  80. Bad Chatter on new motors
  81. Choosing my motors & power supply
  82. Need help, two nights and no sleep
  83. G540 with KL34H260-35-4B
  84. Help with PK296A2A-SG7.2 and geckos 203v
  85. Turning down Motor Shafts to 1/2"
  86. Help! Trying to wrap my head around the transformer... But my head is too hard.
  87. Stepper Motor Webinar
  88. baldor motor
  89. nema 34
  90. Plastic belt drive pulleys?
  91. Motors
  92. I need advice
  93. taking back part of Stepper motor
  94. Stepper Motor - Controller & Driver all in one!?
  95. Wiring 2xPK296A2A-SG18 + 2xPK299-F4.5A
  96. PK296A2A-SG7.2 in australia? Cheapest?
  97. Nema 34 Motor covers for the back
  98. A little help required (PK296A2A-SG7.2 setup)
  99. Teknic Motor Question
  100. Will these motors work?
  101. Which Oriental Motor For 2018
  102. CNC Maschine selber bauen
  103. Seeking help with stepper motors