View Full Version : Complex 3D volumes to 2D parts ready to cut. (Flatten twisted surfaces to 2D sheets)

Wed 19 September 2007, 01:36
Hi Gerald, Hi everybody,

I would like to present you this software with great abilities !!!.I was looking on the web for a software i have seen 3 years ago to unfold 3D volume (http://www.touchcad.com/). Finally, i have found a cheaper and easy to use software : http://www.laminadesign.com/ :cool:

I think a good help to go ahead with Mechmate cutting...
Have a look and tell me what do you think. thanks.


Wed 19 September 2007, 03:54
Very interesting I will have to play with the demo. It could be some great software.
Thank you, Pierre, for bringing this to the forum.


Wed 19 September 2007, 05:29

As you think , it is going to became a "master" software if it could accomplish correctly and easily all the functions it is made for : i'm going to use the trial tonight.

The photo-results of 3d realisations are incredibles thinking they came from flat parts materials !!!

Have you seen all the "automatic" possibilities to stick flat parts beetwen each other ???. I'm really exited by this software....

Bye, Pierre.

normand blais
Tue 15 July 2008, 07:10
Salut Pierre a tu fait quelques experiences avec LAMINA .Sur le site de Rhino3d il y a des (WIP) work in progress qui peuve se raprocher de LAMINA et etre tres interessant. .le lien http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/RhinoHomeLabs.html les commande de PANNELING http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/PanelingCommands.html#Anchor_Commands
Il y a aussi ARCHCUT

Nouveau script pour grasshopper


Les nuit quand tu ne peut pas dormir essaie cela http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/RhinoScript.html Bonne lecture

normand blais
Fri 18 July 2008, 09:04
This is a link from Jonathan David Chertok's site , it explain strategy for new ways to work with mesh.
something in the same spirit for architectural drawing http://www.visualarq.com/ it is a beta but the video look promising.