View Full Version : Graphics & CAD

  1. ProgeCAD LT 2006 free for personal use
  2. Solid Edge 2D is now free
  3. ArtCam
  4. AutoCAD vs Rhino vs DesignCAD, and DXF to G-code converters
  5. GrayTech CADX11 Free
  6. Automatic graph paper design generation .
  7. Complex 3D volumes to 2D parts ready to cut. (Flatten twisted surfaces to 2D sheets)
  8. MOI : Free nurbs modeler with Rhino engine.
  9. Waybe (for Sketchup), Laminadesign & Moi
  10. A website listing free CAD, CAM and CAE(?) programs
  11. TrueSpace 3D CAD
  12. Freecad.com - a directory of free CAD, CAM and CAE programs
  13. CAD softwares
  14. FreeCAD - will be an open source general purpose 3D CAD modeler
  15. Blender - free open source 3D content creation suite
  16. Corel Draw (was coral draw)
  17. Unigraphics manual
  18. DoubleCad
  19. Rotary axis (4th Axis) or Indexer software
  20. Alibre CAD
  21. FreeShip!!!
  22. CAD Object auto Duplicate & Rearrangement? - (Nesting)
  23. Free Software -- Rhino--Autodesk--CAM???
  24. Free Software and other cool stuff
  25. Sculptris - 3D sculpture software (free)
  26. Web based CAM
  27. Deskproto v5 hobby license special offer!
  28. Cam Webinar, using Rhino, RhinoCam and T-splines to make a part
  29. CoCreate Modeling Personal Edition 3.0
  30. Cabinet Pro CNC
  31. Zbrush 4
  32. Experience with VectorWorks or Microvellum?
  33. DraftSight
  34. type 3
  35. Machine Along Vector toolpath
  36. ScketchChair. . .Not just chairs!
  37. ArtCAM Express
  38. Autodesk 123d
  39. Creating halftone pictures with a cnc machine - lines or dots
  40. Jesus with the crown of thorns
  41. sketchup to cnc
  42. Solidworks question
  43. Killing duplicate lines in AutoCAD
  44. Simple gear design ??
  45. Cutting from a photo or drawing?
  46. is autodesk inventor 10 compatable?
  47. Does a generic freeware replacement for AutoCAD exist yet?
  48. How to get ArtCAM
  49. Sketcher
  50. CAD Design P51 Mustang