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Old Mon 13 January 2014, 13:16
Hugo Carradini
Just call me: Hugo
Pto. Ordaz
Mach dont open G codes

Hello to all.
Escuse me if this is not the correct area to put my problem but i am worried and have been some time away. Hope some one guide me to fix the problem.
I was saving a tool pass from a work a wanted to cut, i save it , open Mach3 to upload the G code that I wanted to run and did not up loaded the G code. Then a tried to open other G codes that I had use to cut before and could not open them. I tried others and could not open any. I have been working normally for the last 5 years (great LITTLE BEAST) and never had something like this. I check the way a was saving the G codes but can’t remember under what name or extension I have to save it, in case that I had moved it accidentally because that was preseted.
I am verry worried because a have a work to do and dont know how to fix the problem.
Escuse my english and thanks.
Hugo Carradini
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Old Mon 13 January 2014, 14:14
Just call me: Sean - #5, 28, 58 and others
Orlando, Florida
United States of America
Your files should be saved as a *.tap file.

If Mach won't open or import your TAP file, you may need to reload MACH on your PC and then try again.
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Old Tue 14 January 2014, 04:04
Just call me: Danilo #64
Novi Sad
.tap or .txt but the extension does not matter its just an ordinary text file, when loading files in the bottom combo box labeled "Files of type" choose "All Files" and see if you can load the files if the extension is the problem,
But you seem not being able to load the file inside mach, below RESET you have a STATUS field and history button, what does it say after you try to load the file?
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Old Thu 16 January 2014, 14:06
Hugo Carradini
Just call me: Hugo
Pto. Ordaz
Hello guys
Escuse me for not answering before but i was fixing extra problems that came alone in other job. I download Mach again and eliminate the Mach driver but when i open Mach it dont ask me for restart and says is a Mach license to Ivan Todosijevic . I tried to load again the archive for cutting but the same problem comes again, dont load the archive and do not show any mesage in the status segment so I am going to clean the computer and restart all again with a friend that have more experience in computer stuff. I will keep in touch
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Old Thu 16 January 2014, 17:06
Hugo Carradini
Just call me: Hugo
Pto. Ordaz
How or where do i download a secure MACH3 because a have my original license and i am downloading from and remember i have been working for over 5 years with no problem. Another cuestion is can the XML archive get corrupted.
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Old Sat 18 January 2014, 09:59
Just call me: Pablo
Buenos Aires
Hugo, that license file (Ivan Todosijevic) is known long time ago to be pirated, so I guess mach3 guys disabled/crippled it in newer versions, purchase valid a license and your troubles will be gone. Licence filename is mach1lic.dat and is in mach3 folder.

How do I know?, when I sell machines I ask the customer if they want a license, every now and then they say no and they have problems like you, when I explain and tell them the same solution the problem is solved.

Regarding the filename extensions, it does not matter as long the file is pure text, for example saved using windows notepad (block de notas)
When opening a file below the filename is a pulldown menu that allows you to select wich extension you want.

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Old Sat 18 January 2014, 11:00
Hugo Carradini
Just call me: Hugo
Pto. Ordaz
Hello guys.
I appreciate all the comments . I finally restore completly a new version of Mach3 in a clean machine, paste my Lic and the MLX archive an started nice and soft with my name on the top corner left. Now I have a minor problems that i have to fix .
When i want the machine to go to "0" the Z axis goes up out of limits, gets to "0" and down out off limits. If i am cutting and set the machine to "run from here" happends the same . I load and archive changes to inches and i work with mm. I guess a have to move to de Mach forum unless is something so basic that i am missing you guys can show me.

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Old Sat 18 January 2014, 11:02
Hugo Carradini
Just call me: Hugo
Pto. Ordaz
Sorry correction XML archive
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