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Old Mon 05 December 2011, 05:00
Just call me: Nils #12
Winter Park, FL
United States of America

Nice looking boat. Like to see photos as you build
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Old Mon 05 December 2011, 05:04
Just call me: Ross #74
Hi David

Power supply it is then, in the end most intermittent PC hardware problems are addressed by the time honoured swap out and wait process.

You new machine - did you clean install the operating system?
Rather than try to find the process that is causing the delay, it is easier to start fresh and then test the systems response.

Boat Plans - you are a devil for punishment, it looks like another big project.

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Old Mon 05 December 2011, 05:31
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Hi Ross
Clean install on the PC a few more processes running than the older machine so I might try and eliminate some more. ( I had a very competent student set up the last one.)

Big project? Boat? what do you mean 5 years, Tops. Can't be too hard the plans exist
My Master of Engineering project took over ten years...
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Old Tue 07 February 2012, 20:28
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
I have Vac bagged the flat panels 450 gram per m sq bidirectional Fiberglass on each side of 10mm M80 Foam, most 1220x 2440 mm. This has peel ply on each side.
Cutting the flat panels then on the MM.
Mostly using solid carbide straight router bits. These leave the swarf in the cut partly and hold the part, like Nils showed me on plexiglass.
Dust is seriously bad... glass and foam and static.

One trap was any dry parts of the laminate getting the peel ply wrapped up and melting to the bit. Led to two brocken bits.

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Old Mon 04 June 2012, 05:06
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Tesla coil

A strange adition to what has been made on the mech Mate.
Attached is photo of a tesla coil with a dozen parts cut on the Mech Mate.
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File Type: jpg Tesla Coil.JPG (120.6 KB, 1462 views)
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Old Tue 12 June 2012, 03:24
Just call me: Rik #92
nice work. Yesterday I had a discussion with a colleague about a tesla coil. He wants to build one. are there plans available from the one you build? I also wondering when people are using a tesla coil. I saw some you tube movies.
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Old Wed 13 June 2012, 03:30
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Hi Rik
we used the website and the software from there choosing sizes to suit the equipment we had around.
I have the gcode or DXF files for the base, Though we only made it that big as we only had 3/8 copper not 1/4.
We also made the cone at the primary winding instead of a flat winding "for asthetic reasons".
We have used a neon sign transformer to supply the primary.
PM or email me if you want data or links.
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Old Wed 20 June 2012, 09:57
Just call me: Mike
Columbiana AL
United States of America
So David Your machine looks to have all the stuff done to get a serial number. Can someone make sure I am seeing this correctly ? Looks like your getting plenty of use from your MechMate that is for sure !!!
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Old Wed 20 June 2012, 10:51
Just call me: Heath
Cornwall, Ontario
Sawdust Post #23

Labels and Blue Paint Post #21

Looks good to me!
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Old Wed 20 June 2012, 18:44
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Too much dust... My dust collector is an old vacuum cleaner and duck tape...
Resurfaced the table this week.
Usually get something done each week, It is a Hobby machine rather than a workhorse, Just because I have a job, Not that the MM design is only for a hobby.
Tesla Coil should be running next week with the students.
Next will be to cut formwork to make the beams of the Trimaran.
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Old Thu 21 June 2012, 12:36
Just call me: Mike
Columbiana AL
United States of America
David - Looks like we were a little slow getting you a number !!! You get #99
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Old Thu 21 June 2012, 13:27
Just call me: Heath
Cornwall, Ontario
Congrats David! Looks great!
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Old Thu 21 June 2012, 15:22
Just call me: John #26
Hebron, Ohio
United States of America
Builder's Log Update


Congratulations on completing your MechMate and earning Serial #99.

Looking good. Here's the Updated Builder's Log.

Feel free to make changes to your Entry. Just let me know and I'll update your entry.

Also, we like to include the "cutting" dimensions in the Entry. Please let me know what your dimensions are so that I can update your Entry.
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Old Thu 21 June 2012, 18:07
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Thanks for the builders number that Gerald thinks is sexy

Cutting size 2750mm long 1300mm wide cutting. Extra 350 mm cutting over the edge of the actual table to cut deeper objects.

11 Month build Finished April 2011.
Most use is cutting form work for building the Farrier F85SR Trimaran.
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Old Thu 21 June 2012, 19:24
Just call me: John #26
Hebron, Ohio
United States of America
Thanks, David.

Update here.
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Old Thu 19 July 2012, 18:45
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Resurfaced the table
Added a V bit cut a rectangular path over zero end quarter of the table.
V cut similar crossing on bottom of new MDF 18mm sheet as spoil board.
Glued new MDF down with a little epoxy.
Surfaced MDF.
Lower MDF table is sealed with paint on the lower surface and sides.

Set up aprox 800W VAX vacuum cleaner through lower Table into the V cuts.

Worked VERY well as vac hold down for first 1/4 of the table.

I had read the posts about vac hold down then found the huge powers the large machines use at "High" vacuums and thought I was wasting my time with the VAX.
Works well (before any large cuts are in the spoil board.)
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Old Thu 19 July 2012, 20:42
Just call me: Ken
Sounds like your vac actually has some potential.Few thing you can do.
BUT 800W isn't enough to whole small pieces. so please don't get disappointed. but it should have no problem holding anything larger than 300x300mm (1'x1')

1)Improve air flow by re-cutting the V grooves with 20mm end mill leaving about 6mm on the thinnest part of the spoilboard.

2)I think you have leaks within the spoil board, this is an inherent problem, since MDF is porous.
I would suggest you manage this leaks by covering the exposed/unpopulated spoil board area with vinyl floor mat.

3)Also, when the bottom side of the workpiece isn't flat, i.e. no proper seal, I usually seal the sides of the workpiece by taping it to the spoilboard with packaging tape,

Why packaging tape & vinyl floor mat? because they are dirt cheap & commonly available.

BTW, you can just screw the Grooved board on the base board & not epoxy it. make life easy when replacing.
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Old Thu 19 July 2012, 21:11
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Thanks for the tips Ken I will try them, I was actually surprised I got any efffect from such a low power vac cleaner.
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Old Thu 19 July 2012, 22:28
Just call me: Ken
You are welcome.
The trick is managing your leaks.
BUT, you still need the vac to generate enough vacuum head.
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Old Sun 21 October 2012, 19:12
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Aluminium Mounts

Long weekend work with the MM.
16 Aluminium mounts cut from 80x80mm 10mm thick angle.
Two bits consumed. single flute 1/4" diameter. (Ok broke the first when I hit a hold down screw..)
700mm per min 0.5mm deep per pass. Plastic backing and WD40 as the coolant/lubricant.
Big mess, Al is sharp.

Started to work loose on the wooden/threaded rod spindle mount that was only installed till I could cut a neat one, now I will have to change it

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Mount2.JPG (28.8 KB, 953 views)
File Type: jpg MountonMM.JPG (35.7 KB, 953 views)
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Old Mon 22 October 2012, 03:57
Just call me: Nils #12
Winter Park, FL
United States of America

Nice looking parts you made.

Need more bits?
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Old Mon 22 October 2012, 05:15
Just call me: Ross #74
Hi David

Nice go at some alloy machining.
Boat parts by any chance?

Also interesting the gearbox for the Motion King stepper but I was unable to find it on their web site.
Any hints?

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Old Mon 22 October 2012, 06:36
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Hi Ross
try email
MotionKing Motor Industry Co.,Ltd.
Tel: 0086-519 8988 6261
Fax: 0086-519 8515 1172

Brackets are for the folding mechanism of the Trimaran.
Need cleaning and sanding, reeming, anodizing.
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Old Mon 22 October 2012, 13:51
mike nelson
Just call me: Mike #132
Hey David , i see your building a Farrier F85SR trimaran....i have a friend thats building a f-9 in my shop but its old school with the yellow cedar and such. I was just wondering if you could tell me how much are the plans for the new design of the f boat? Thanks. Mike
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Old Mon 22 October 2012, 18:09
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Hi Mike
My Plans were about $1900 with some extra DXF files.
However plan sales stopped last month. email Ian at
Tell him that you are working next to/helping the f-9 and he might still sell a set.
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Old Tue 20 November 2012, 05:05
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Rudder making

Rudder mould and halves before the final vac bag.

Two mold halves were cut with 1/4" ballnose. One G code file was used and the Y axis was reversed to do the second half.

each half was made with a vac bag using the MM table as a flat refference.
The halves were decked with the MM.

Both halves and the outer carbon layer were added and the rudder was vac bagged again to the MM table.

MDF formwork was then "flexed" to release the rigid rudder from between the moulds.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Rudder.JPG (103.3 KB, 783 views)
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Old Tue 20 November 2012, 07:39
darren salyer
Just call me: Darren #101
Wentzville mo
United States of America
I love seeing pictures of these types of projects.
Very cool.
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Old Wed 21 November 2012, 05:02
Just call me: Ross #74
More creative work David.

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Old Tue 11 June 2013, 20:20
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia

My son and I have Finally put the table together and got it finished.
Timber is a western Australian Jarrah. Very hard wood.
The tree died on a friends farm, cut it up, dried it and now...
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File Type: jpg photo.JPG (124.8 KB, 533 views)
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Old Tue 11 June 2013, 21:19
Just call me: Pete #98
South-Central Pennsylvania
United States of America
Janka 1910 hardness. That will work the tooling if cutting a lot of it I would bet.
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