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Old Mon 17 May 2021, 05:28
Just call me: John #26
Hebron, Ohio
United States of America
Hi Al. Good to hear from you. You have always been a great supporter of the forum. I appreciate you.

Sorry you are having problems after your move. I have moved #26 3 times. Other than re-alignment, I've only had one problem. The problem was with a long parallel cable. I also use the "old" technology. The problem was that the machine would just go out of control. I replaced the cable. Everything works very well.

I have considered a Parallel to USB conversion. I even purchased a couple of components for the conversion. The reason I haven't pulled the trigger is that my machine is working very well. Within the last year I have carved several parts that required "exact" repeatability. Hundreds of passes. To my knowledge my machine never missed a step.

If you would describe exactly how far your machine gets into the startup process before it "cuts out", I would be glad to help you debug it. Sounds like we have similar technology...Windows XT, Parallel port, MACH3.
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Old Tue 18 May 2021, 04:19
Just call me: David
United Kingdom
Hi, if you want to go linux I think you will struggle with a rasberry pi. There is a version of LinuxCNC called Machinekit which has been optimised for single board computers but I think the focus is mainly on the "Beaglebone black". Provided you are not space limited you are better off going with a standard PC and using LinuxCNC with a Mesa 7i96 which is ethernet linked to the PC and offloads processing from the PC. The LinuxCNC forums are very active and you will not have trouble getting help if you have any issues. I have been using LinuxCNC for five years and I have barely had to touch it. Once you have your configuration set it just works.
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Old Tue 25 May 2021, 00:15
Just call me: Al #114
Send a message via Skype™ to lonestaral
Thank you for your replies gentlemen.
I have been busy with other things.
I will look into your suggestions.

Sometimes the machine cuts out during referencing, other times after referencing.
I feel it is the old computer or the cable.
Last time I replaced the parallel cable it was hard to find a replacement, I think I fitted a second hand one.
I think it is time for an upgrade.
I used Mach 3 but I changed to Linux.
There is no hurry as I have other thing to deal with.
Thank you again.
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Old Wed 26 May 2021, 18:34
Just call me: Don Ross
Blue Ridge, Texas
United States of America
Amazon has these cables

I believe they now have shipping to Thailand
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Old Sun 26 December 2021, 21:28
Just call me: Al #114
Send a message via Skype™ to lonestaral
Hello Gentlemen.
Compliments of the season to you.
I hope you are enjoying the holidays.

I have been working on the problems that I have.
Today I unplugged all the motors.
I plugged them back in one at a time leaving the other two disconnected.
The X axis faulted out.
The Y axis faulted out.
The Z axis stayed on.

It looks like a wiring problem.
It is the original wiring and the machine has been moved.
I will have to rewire with shielded cable unless anyone has any advice.

Thank you and all the best for 2022.
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