Y-Rail Distance
I went the aluminum rail and V Track route with my MechMate. I've finished welding up the gantry and the car. I'm in the process of mounting the aluminum/V track rails on the gantry. With the aluminum having a 1/2"(+) overhang(so I can mount the spur track under it), the distance between the V track point is roughly 21 inches. With the rollers mounted in the car using just a washer as a shim, the distance between the roller valleys is roughly 22 inches. Using washers as shims for test fit, it looks like I will need shim spacers of 5/8" to get the V bearings correctly placed over the V track. Does this sound out of the ordinary? Or could I extend the aluminum overhang of the gantry rails to more like 3/4"(+)?
Other than that, all is going well, table is almost done and electronics are on the way...