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Old Sun 21 December 2008, 23:10
Just call me: jama
Generic Aussie (Leadshine) Stepper Motors are they OK?

Hello Gerald,
I found your website accidentally and I have been addicted since then.
I am trying to put together what I need for the control system and motors as I feel this is the more difficult part excluding integrating the system.
So I did a few phone calls and was surprised to be told by the distributors in OZ for Oriental motors that the PK2962A-SG7.2 (actually the equivalent metric version which is PK2962 -SG7.2) motors would cost me A$750+GST each. GST is 10% which is similar to the what you call VATin RSA. That is the price for each. Why such a huge price difference considering the current exchange rate to the US$ is 0.68? I don't know. The ungeared ooption were not any cheaper.

I found these motors being retailed locally and wanted to get your opinion as to their suitability. MOT-130 FL86STH80-5504B Bipolar Stepper Motor
The webiste is here
While you are checking it could you also check out the controllers they recommend to see if they are suitable at least on paper.

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Old Sun 21 December 2008, 23:40
Gerald D
Just call me: Gerald (retired)
Cape Town
South Africa
Originally Posted by Jama View Post
. . I found these motors being retailed locally and wanted to get your opinion as to their suitability. MOT-130 FL86STH80-5504B Bipolar Stepper Motor
The webiste is here
While you are checking it could you also check out the controllers they recommend to see if they are suitable at least on paper.
Those motors and drives are imported from China, and then advertised for sale, at double cost, on a faulty website. Technically, we cannot yet fault the Chinese motors and drives, although our experience is minimal. But you have to decide whether the importer is adding value and whether you want to pay the premium over buying direct. That website tells incorrectly that both of their last 2 motors are 80mm long . This seems to be their supplier:

Some MM builders have imported motors direct from Motionking.

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Old Mon 22 December 2008, 02:28
Just call me: jama
Thank you that was a quick reply

Hello Gerald,
Thank you.
That was a quick reply.
I will go down and have a chat to them.
If I like them, I may buy the motors, otherwise, I will buy from motionking directly.

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Old Mon 22 December 2008, 02:59
Gerald D
Just call me: Gerald (retired)
Cape Town
South Africa
The specs on the model number you gave are a bit confusing, but I think that one is too light for direct drive - it will need a belt reduction or gearbox. The next size up looks a lot bigger.
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Old Tue 23 December 2008, 07:10
Just call me: jama
Follow up to the Chinese supplier

Hello Gerald,
I telephoned and emailed leadshine which is the supplier of the generic motors being sold in Australia. I got from Leadshine the price (excluding shipping and taxes) of two motors that I thought would be similar to the motionking motors (on paper). The motors are;
86HS45 US$67.5 each
86HS85 US$86.7 each
I understand that bigger is not better. I also read on this forum that it is simpler to connect the motors as unipolar. Luckily, I have a friend who will be in Hong Kong in January and he is willing to carry them back to Australia. The transport savings are significant, although you would think Australia is close to Asia. Could you please have a quick look at the specs and let me know what you think.
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Old Tue 23 December 2008, 08:05
Gerald D
Just call me: Gerald (retired)
Cape Town
South Africa
I would discard the small motor because you want to use it for direct drive at first. That leaves only the bigger motor, which is significantly longer (more detent, rougher) than the motors we have experience with so far. It is a tough decision, based on the fact that your friend will be in Hong Kong which is near to Leadshine and that MotionKing is far away from Hong Kong. . . . .

I would start looking for other motor manufacturers near to Hong Kong . . .

You may find that Leadshine has a motor size in between those two - most other companies have something in the "middle" size. Give them another call.
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