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Well, for measuring simple DC voltage, Harbor Freight will sell you a disposable piece of junk for 6 bucks or so. I must own five of them, scattered around so that I don't have to go fetch the one good meter most of the time.
Ok, sorry for the long delay, I'm finally back at it.
In the mean time all I got done was the Z reduction box, which now works fine. Also bought a used Fluke 87v... -ve on ACM to +ve on VI when starting test mode, goes from 15mV ac drops quick to 5mV and keeps dropping slower to 2.0mV and holds there. between VI and ACM when nothing running is .6V and between ACM and DCM is .6v as well. not sure whats up with it being millivolts. PD-075 - 76 are set to 0 I went over wiring one last time: Aout to VI Agnd to ACM COM to DCM fwd to for rev to rev dip switches are all set to off. I tried switch 6 in 5v mode and 10v mode with the exact same results. |
That control voltage should be DC. If you're measuring it in AC, then you're basically measuring the noise and power supply ripple, not the signal value.
If the meter really was in Volts AC, can you try again in Volts DC? |
lol, Thanks Brad. your time is much appreciated.
DC voltage reads better, VI to ACM jumps to 5.5vdc on test start, pressed once more and RPM ramps up and voltage drops to 1.6vdc. |
Okay, so those sound like reasonable voltage readings. Now let's confirm polarity.
You've got the (-) side of the meter on ACM, and the (+) side on VI, and the reading is positive voltage? If not, something is backwards somewhere. If so, then we're looking for issues with the VFD setup. |
Thank you Brad, voltage read positive.
I pretty sure base parameters are set correctly, but not sure about the rest of them and how they impact operation. PD-000=0 1=0 2=1 3=400 4=400 5=400 6=2.5 7=20 8=220 9=15 10=8 11=120 14=12 15=12 141=220 142=10 143=3 144=3000 70=0 Using 4kw,spindle and a HY04D023B VFD http://www.probotix.com/wiki/images/...ies_Manual.pdf I believe this is the same manual i have. had a hard time finding same link Last edited by Father-of-Ash; Sat 13 January 2018 at 13:37.. |
I don't think that PDF is correct. The model name scheme doesn't match. Using this one.
With PD01 = 0 you're manually setting the VFD in run mode, I assume. PD11 = 120 says never slower than 24000 / 400 * 120 = 7200 RPM. That's wise for air cooled; for water cooled you could allow slower. PD14 and PD15 may be limiting your speed ramps to no faster that 12 seconds to come to speed. I think you need PD72 set to 400, not the default of 50. I suspect this might be your issue. I think PD143 should be either 2 or 4, and likely 4. How many poles are indicated on the nameplate of your spindle? This blog post might be helpful as confirmation. |
I could never find my model # HY04D023B in any manual, its always skipped. but the one you linked is what I've been using.
PD-001 is set to 1, was a typo. Thank you very much for that blog post, clarified a couple things. I set PD11 to 50 for a min. of 3k rpm I kept PD14-15 at 12 because I wasn't sure of a healthy ramp up time. set PD72 to 400 PD143 to 4, but I couldn't verify what I actually have. model# is a GDZ-19 which comes back as a 1.5kw spindle but the other specs say that its a 4kw spindle and it has the 100x300mm body of a 4kw spindle. I did reset the VFD to default before I started and used the settings in your link except for PD11 I kept at 50 for 3k RPM minimum, PD70 @ 0, because dip-switch 6 on pmdx-107 is off so its 0-10v & PD73 @ 50Hz. and now it's giving me E.OC.A error = Error. Over Current. At Acceleration. So i set PD11 & 73 back 120Hz and same error appeared. Then set PD3 & 4 to 400Hz and it worked. Not sure how accurate RPM is through mach3, 3000 RPM does sound slow, but spindle speed is adjustable now through mach3 using the green bar but stops working after played with 3 or 4 times. while PD11 & 73 were set @ 50Hz and mach3 spindle RPM set to 24k RPM, VFD would max out @ 245Hz. Then set PD11 & 73 back to 120 and max @24k RPM in mach reaches 276Hz @ VFD ![]() edit: I just noticed status in Mach says "Too fast for pulley..using Max" so is spindle calibration needed again? Last edited by Father-of-Ash; Sat 13 January 2018 at 23:30.. |
So, nothing should be set to 50hz - all of those are defaulting to the lowest of the three common motor frequencies ( 50, 60, 400 ). You have a spindle, not a pump motor, so PD4,5,72 should all be 400.
I would expect PD73 to be 0, meaning that when the analog input is at 0 volts, you run the spindle at 0 hz; PD72 is at 400, meaning that when the analog input is at full ( 10v if PD70 is 0), you run the spindle at 400hz; this sets the control range. In that blog post, he's setting it up so that the manual speed nob goes from 120 to 400hz, which makes sense for intuitive manual operation, but in the computer controlled case, we want the 0 to 10v to linearly span from 0 to 400Hz, not from 120 to 400Hz. You should validate that you really have 10v across ACM and VI when Mach3 is set for 24k. That will confirm whether there are still VFD setup questions or Mach3/ PMDX setup questions. The fact that shifting the control range higher ( from 50 - 400 to 120 - 400 ) results in a higher speed makes me suspect that there isn't a full 10v there: 400 - 50 = 350hz range across 0-10v. 245hz - 50base = 195hz. 195 / 350 * 10 = 5.5V 400 - 120 = 280hz range across 0-10v. 276hz - 120base = 156hz 156 / 280 * 10 = 5.5V 400 - 0 = 400hz range across 0-10v. 220 - 0base = 220hz. 220 / 400 * 10 = 5.5V ( Prediction for PD73 = 0 ) Above, you mention that 5.5V as what happened when you were in test mode on the pmdx. Those numbers match that exactly. Re-reading the PMDX-107 manual, it does look to me like you need to complete the calibration in section 2.6 again - in particular step 6, now that you've got the VFD settings correct. If you keep a meter on during this process, I bet you'll find you have 5.5V output because the trim pot on the PMDX is all the way down, and that as you increase it, you both have the the spindle speed go up, and voltage, with the vfd hitting 400hz right about the same time the voltage hits 10v. I can't help with the Mach3 side - I've never used it. Last edited by bradm; Sun 14 January 2018 at 10:45.. |
Thank you Sir!
Trim pot works correctly in clockwise direction now that VFD settings are correct. It was turned all the way down from my last attempt. Re-calibrated and now 9.8v = 400Hz. In Mach when you punch in the RPM it works fine, but when you adjust with side bar it goes to max RPM... No biggie, not worried about it if it stays like that, I'll try mach3 spindle calibration again, might fix it. The baby steps are much appreciated, and at the same time I apologize. I did keep PD11 set to 50 so lowest RPM is 3k. I don't think its effecting anything other then minimum RPM. Last edited by Father-of-Ash; Sun 14 January 2018 at 12:09.. |
Awesome, glad it's under control! Yeah, the PD11, PD14/PD15 stuff is really more about what you decide is right for your equipment.
Happy routing! |
Hello all,
Finally, I've done my first cut of the roadrunner. I wanted to ask how most of you normally set up your machines as far as home and X0,Y0. Is "Home" the location the spindle is supposed to go back to when done cutting the job? When facing front end of machine, I set home to the back right corner and then bring it forth to do my work piece offsets. which means X+ is when the gantry comes towards you and Y+ is to the left. I always felt that X0,Y0 on your work piece should be on your bottom left corner. I'm having a hard time figuring out what controls that, cad/cam or the way I have mach3/machine setup? And in the mean time, I've redrawn Petes reduction box plates again and playing with Dolphin Cam, and now Fusion 360 Cam which is so intuitive and free for business's making under 100k and students. cloud based. once loaded into mach, the machine wants to take off to lala land. I tried putting work piece very close to X0Y0 in both Cad and CAM... not sure what I'm doing yet. Hope to be cutting some aluminum plates out soon! A link to first cut. https://youtu.be/UwB066g8FvE Updated a few more pics. https://goo.gl/photos/b2YK7z6tCxumeoKT8 Last edited by Father-of-Ash; Sat 27 January 2018 at 18:50.. |
Looing really good. Thanks for the link to all the photos. I see a "blue" machine and it's cutting. Slap some logo's on it and get a Serial Number.
Congrats Bilal! I remember how exited I was when I first cut 'the roadrunner', feeling awesome feeling.
Thanks guys,
forgot about the serial number, you'll see the logo on the next video, hope to be cutting aluminum. |
Looking forward to the logo's, Bilal.
I'm also considering cutting aluminum. Please keep us in mind when sharing your experiences. Speeds and feeds, cutters, hold down challenges, lubricants ( if any ), chip removal, etc. |
Will do John,
I've been having an issue with mach, every time I zero a piece and start cutting, the z is always offset too high by 1.3" .... Its nothing can find in cam software, I'm fairly sure there is somthing in mach that keeps offsetting. While loading gcode, I can see the Z DRO jump up by 1.3" then back to where is was. Any ideas? |
G43 Tool length offset. Check your tooltable for a tool length of 1.3
Thank you Sir.... That's what it was... I thought I didnt have anything set in it.
I am only going to say two words about your build. "Totally-AWESOME!" I am going to strive for my next build to be as awesome as yours.
thank you for the complement!
I have a few updates I got done, I'll be posting soon. |
Your Google photo bucket images and videos are my go to resource right now for my build. I'm definitely a visual learner. Thank you.
Paul, I'm happy to see people take benefit.
I've been meaning to post here for quite some time, professional procrastination at its best. Many members here have been very generous with there knowledge and time, and are much appreciated. Machine has been up and running for quite some time now as well, haven't done much with it as of yet but definitely plan to now. I'll update my photos, get a video posted soon and snatch me a serial #! |
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