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Old Wed 07 October 2009, 16:00
Just call me: Sean - #5, 28, 58 and others
Orlando, Florida
United States of America
Not Macbethian, more Claudius or Brutus. Either way, I like the fact that the "statements" clearly express the opinion and contribution required to the Forum to receive knowledge. Clearly around the world the statement - no free lunch - still applies.

I for one like it!

Plus, what's the point in a DIY type project if you don't actually learn "why" your doing a process instead of just "doing" the process. that idea!

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Old Wed 07 October 2009, 21:25
Just call me: Joe #53
Whidbey Island, Washington
United States of America
Nader is spot on, the answers are all (mostly) already in the forum or the plans. One just has to look long enough (and be good at using the Search function) to find 99% of what is needed. (I say this as one who has asked and received answers to newbie questions, for which I am grateful.)
Sean is also right: The discovery process is at least as important (and fun) as the actual building of the machine, if folks aren't happy with that, they can always order a ShopBot online and have it delivered to their door and, thus, avoid all the hassle of actually learning something new!
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Old Tue 13 October 2009, 03:11
Just call me: Besser
Lowest common denominator

Being a newbie but having sunk my teeth into the forum and plans, my initial experiences may help format a soft lead in to the MM community and reduce the wild questions.

I didn't know what to expect when I came across MM, it was simply from a post on a cnc site that I caught the name and so I came here. I didn't know what to expect but new what I ultimately wanted (a cheap, quick to hand cnc machine). I never found that but did grow into appreciating how a MM and I could work together. I have had to realise this is a "work in progress" CNC and always will be (that's exciting)

Where I was dearly tempted to short circuit the process was when I realised my initial requirements required reading ALOT of this forum. This is the Achillies Heel of MM. It's why the questions come thick, fast and dumb! To much reading

To deal with the low value questions I would suggest a set of small video clips that explain MM. I would embed in these videos a verbal letter that is required to be entered to access MM. So you must watch and listen to get in. In the videos explain the facts of NO KITS FOR SALE, no help with nonMM anything, no buts and ifs, NO BOM, NO Supplier Lists, No Shortcuts, No Bugging members. Yes a Great CNC Router at the end, Yes you get help and you need to help your self, Yes it works.

The First Video I would show a MM in action to get the goal in the inquirers head. After that make the videos to cover all the points.

Remember the lowest common denominator doesn't want to read, just do less to get more! Telling people where you stand and what their attitude needs to be to interact is the nicest way of saving you and them time (something I do in my day job, saves me heaps of time and makes me more money)

Hope that helps and I am working on my MM (BOM can anyone spare me one?hehe just kidding)
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Old Tue 13 October 2009, 21:02
Just call me: Joe #53
Whidbey Island, Washington
United States of America
I'm not sure I understand the antipathy to BOM's. Sure, it may make it too easy for some who just want to go out and buy the parts and assemble a machine, but so what? They will be the ones who miss the full experience of doing all the research (and gaining the understanding as a result - the really valuable part of this exercise). But if I have produced a BOM for my own use and share it with the group, what's the problem? As long as it is understood that my BOM is for my machine and may not be right for someone else's machine.

Am I missing something here?

BTW - Anyone who wants my steel BOM and my fasteners BOM - feel free to PM me.

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Old Tue 13 October 2009, 21:10
Gerald D
Just call me: Gerald (retired)
Cape Town
South Africa
The antipathy is towards one "standard" BOM in the official downloads section of this website. Shared BOM's are no problem.
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Old Wed 14 October 2009, 13:22
Just call me: Joe #53
Whidbey Island, Washington
United States of America
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Old Thu 04 March 2010, 18:52
Just call me: Maylinda
Thanks for Gerald's superb work.
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Old Tue 09 March 2010, 09:39
Just call me: Eric #115
Sacramento, CA
United States of America
Those e-mails are like a regular "Best of Craigslist". Hilarious stuff. My condolences, Gerald, for all that you have to put up with, and my thanks, as well, for all that you do on here. I shall try to keep my stupid questions to a minimum. :-D
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Old Fri 03 December 2010, 09:53
Just call me: Camille
Urbana, Illinois
United States of America
A meticulous explanation of "people who will want (demand?) a lot of support without being willing to put in a little effort from their side": Help Vampires.
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Old Tue 10 January 2012, 07:21
Just call me: Jasonmm92
Lapeer, Mi.
United States of America
i can see the humor in this ... it is funny or painful or both ... but wouldnt it be best just answer in a single post ....? .. some of these questions are only human nature ...

1. a basic $X000 - $X000 US funds you can expect to spend
2. here is a basic cut list for the table in the plans
3. how about a something that help you reading the plans better if your not a engineer

some people just need help starting
you would get more people interested in the MM
isnt that the goal ?

please dont jump on me , i now know u can find these answers in this forum by making a effort

I thought a forum was somewhere you could go to ASK the DUMD QUESTION and GROW
I thought a furom was somewhere you could go find a mentor



Last edited by Jasonmm92; Tue 10 January 2012 at 07:27..
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Old Tue 10 January 2012, 08:09
Just call me: Brad #10
United States of America
Jason, I think you'll find there are a lot of mentors here. Please notice that the title of this thread includes "email" - these weren't "dumb questions" asked on the forum; they were demands for information sent in private email. That's an important difference.

None of the questions you have posed have a simple answer on a global forum, and yet we have done our best to answer them many times:

1) The cost depends on where you live, what tools you already have access to, and dozens of little design choices like the size of the table, the types of motors and drivers, and others. So the range is somewhere in the $3000 to $20,000 range, and to determine your budget, you need to read some threads. So we patiently recommend that, because ... it depends.

2) The cut list depends on the design choices, and to complete the cutlist without excessive waste or mistakes requires that you understand the design. So we patiently recommend that you read some threads, because ... it depends.

3) You cannot build a MechMate if you cannot read the plans. You don't need to be an engineer, but you do need to develop this skill - or have somebody at your build site who can. The MM plans are actually remarkably friendly to newbies - if you spend the time to read them over a few times and visualize how it all works. As for your results, well ... it depends.

The goal is to help those that are primarily making an effort for themselves and are motivated to solve problems - we readily and willingly help and do not mock. The goal is NOT to have as many MechMates as possible. The goal is also not to have people get in over their head or waste their money. A good test for these traits is to patiently recommend that people read the forum.

Mentoring is a two way street - both the mentor and the mentee [sic] need to invest. Since we can't look you (or anyone) in the eye, we make assessments based on what we see here. If you ask a question that has been answered many times, or is readily searchable, you might get a response politely recommending that you read on - or more times than not, somebody will actually run the search and place the links in the response as a gentle hint that the information is already available.

I daresay that we do not mock questions, including dumb ones. We do correct misinformation and misstatements, and sometimes we do that with some humor. I've been on both sides of that, and I appreciate it either way.

So, please, ask away - in the appropriate thread, thus showing us you've done some homework - and I think you'll find there are 87 or more mentors available, and we'd love to help you over the little bumps in the process.

Just don't ask us to suffer fools - because no mentor, teacher, or craftsperson ever does for long. This forum is the way it is because it works well for us - we hope it will work well for you, too.

P.S. For the peanut gallery: one of the failings of mentoring personalities is being extra susceptible to flamebait.

P.P.S. I've used "we" above for linguistic convenience. Clearly, I do not speak for everyone here, but merely for myself.

Last edited by bradm; Tue 10 January 2012 at 08:13.. Reason: Clarify the Royal We
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Old Tue 10 January 2012, 08:26
Gerald D
Just call me: Gerald (retired)
Cape Town
South Africa
Well said Brad.
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Old Tue 10 January 2012, 09:40
Just call me: Eric #115
Sacramento, CA
United States of America
Well said, indeed!

Don't worry if your questions seem dumb. They aren't. Just make sure that you are putting effort into finding the answer, either figuring it out yourself, or somewhere on the forums, before posting a new thread. Its also helpful to post your thought process about what you think the answer is, so we get to know how you are approaching things, and sometimes the problem isn't actually where you think it is, and by talking through where you are, we can sometimes get to the real answer of where the problem lies.
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Old Tue 10 January 2012, 22:30
Just call me: Joe #53
Whidbey Island, Washington
United States of America
So, Jason, what are your questions?
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Old Wed 11 January 2012, 08:02
Just call me: Jasonmm92
Lapeer, Mi.
United States of America
Smile yesterday !!

yesterday i was pist off

I was pist off at myself for my laissez-faire whimsical attitude I first presented myself as on these forums

I was pist off at myself for having cross words with someone that obviously deseveres my respect

I was pist off at myself for not being 'able' to compose a cut list and you guys for not giving me one

If you get pist off enough ... you ...


today , after successfuly composing a cut list and getting my cut list to the metal shop and my order in this morning

I feel like a whole new man !!

It a new day ...

thanks Jason
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Old Wed 11 January 2012, 09:53
Just call me: Mike
Columbiana AL
United States of America
See that is the value in this forum. You prove to yourself that you are capable and realize that getting a hand in something is way differenet than a hand out.. That is true in many other areas, not just in our world.

Good job on figuring out what you need. I know it is all here .... somewhere !!
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Old Wed 11 January 2012, 11:46
Just call me: Heath
Cornwall, Ontario
No worries.... We have all been there.
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Old Wed 11 January 2012, 12:27
Just call me: Hennie #23
Roodepoort JHB
South Africa
Jason if you can figure out the hurdles in building the MM it becomes so much easier when it is built and you need to fix something on it.
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