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Old Tue 06 May 2014, 12:14
Kevin Ford
Just call me: Kevin #90
3D Subtractive Printing

The news is filled with 3D additive printers making awesome 4 cubic inch projects. Well we MechMate folks have been doing 3D subtractive printing for years, we just didn't know enough to call it that. There is also the minor difference is that our 3D print size is 4 x 8 ft. not 4 x 6 inches. Attached are a few examples made on our MechMate.

Some we made out of foam then used our home built vacuum molder to make additional copies or to strengthen the foam shape.

Sometimes we make a part out of MDF to be a mold, for example the attached dog potty drain pan.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg CurleyOne.jpg (91.3 KB, 916 views)
File Type: jpg HS Oak Crest.jpg (133.4 KB, 915 views)
File Type: jpg AlienMask-1.jpg (43.5 KB, 909 views)
File Type: jpg AlienMask-2.jpg (44.9 KB, 911 views)
File Type: jpg DrainPad Design.jpg (88.6 KB, 908 views)
File Type: jpg Drain Pan Cutting.jpg (93.3 KB, 911 views)
File Type: jpg DrainPan Cut.jpg (98.6 KB, 905 views)
File Type: jpg Molded Drain Pan-eigth inch ABS.jpg (101.0 KB, 904 views)
File Type: jpg Frame cut from .75 inch PVC Board.jpg (92.3 KB, 899 views)
File Type: jpg Dog Potty Drain Assembled.jpg (62.4 KB, 906 views)
File Type: jpg In Use.jpg (85.6 KB, 902 views)
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Old Tue 06 May 2014, 12:59
darren salyer
Just call me: Darren #101
Wentzville mo
United States of America
Every time I see new things being made with a MM, I'm just blown away.
Brilliant use.
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Old Tue 06 May 2014, 16:19
Just call me: Mark #119
Columbus Ohio
United States of America
Thanks for posting Kevin. I too have a vacuum former (and have lots of plans to use it along with the MM). I can't wait to actually make something!!
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Old Wed 07 May 2014, 05:32
Just call me: Mike
Columbiana AL
United States of America
Sweet. Where did you get the plans for the vacuum former? Those are some cool projects.
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Old Wed 07 May 2014, 09:42
Kevin Ford
Just call me: Kevin #90
Vacuum Former Plans

We built the Vacuum Former with plans from:

It was the best $65 I ever spent. Not only were the plans compete and accurate ut there were details for multiple options. It also included multiple sources of supply for parts, advice on buying used vacuum pumps and even a tutorial on how to use the thing when finished. He even supplies the hard to find heating elements and backing board.

Being able to make the forms on our MechMate then make multiple copies from sheet plastic is a real force multiplier.

Attached are a couple of pictures of our build.

The second to last picture is a 2ft x 2 ft drain pan moulded from 1/8th inch acrylic, including drain plug thread.
Attached Images
File Type: jpeg Finished-Front.jpeg (74.9 KB, 866 views)
File Type: jpeg Finished -Back.jpeg (97.4 KB, 868 views)
File Type: jpeg Base.jpeg (97.4 KB, 863 views)
File Type: jpeg Oven Support.jpeg (100.1 KB, 868 views)
File Type: jpeg Oven Box-made from suspended Ceiling parts and Steel Studs.jpeg (100.3 KB, 867 views)
File Type: jpeg Item to copy.jpeg (88.2 KB, 865 views)
File Type: jpeg Heating Plastic.jpeg (73.9 KB, 867 views)
File Type: jpeg Copied Item.jpeg (51.0 KB, 869 views)
File Type: jpeg eighth inch acrylic drain pan.jpeg (33.4 KB, 865 views)
File Type: jpeg Mobile .jpeg (112.1 KB, 863 views)
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Old Thu 08 May 2014, 03:31
Just call me: Ken
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Old Mon 12 May 2014, 08:43
Just call me: Ries #46
Send a message via MSN to riesvantwisk Send a message via Skype™ to riesvantwisk
Kevin, thumbs up for using Pro Engineer
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Old Mon 12 May 2014, 09:39
darren salyer
Just call me: Darren #101
Wentzville mo
United States of America
I've actually been looking at the same plans for a while now...
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Old Mon 12 May 2014, 11:05
Kevin Ford
Just call me: Kevin #90
Hi Darren

If you have been looking at them then you will know the completeness of the Vacuum Former plans, (including details for building it in three sizes), right down to a bill of materials and multiple sources of supply. This documentation set let us get right to the building with little time spent filling in the details.

It was quite a contrast to how much time I spent researching, specifying and shopping around for electronics, motors and drives, etc. for our Mechmate project. I understand the differing philosophies on "guidance, but make it your own" vs "detailed specifications" in a project, but if I were to do it again, even though my son and I are Mechanical Engineers with strong electronics and software backgrounds, I would have preferred to start with a more complete reference design, that I could just build, or modify, if I felt the need.

That being said, I am in awe of the help freely given in the MechMate community and extremely grateful for the core instigators and maintainers of the community. However, I sometimes feel many of the questions on this site could have be pre-empted with a more complete starters package of drawing, schematics, electronics parts lists, etc. Maybe a couple of options for "low cost", "regular home garage" and "heavy production" sets of motors, drives and electronics might be the right balance of flexibility.

Then there is the CAD and G-Code generating software..... guidance on how to choose one over another and training specific to MechMate needs would be well received. I wasted more time and money in this arena that I want to admit and I am in the software business.

Given the total time and money I unknowingly committed at the start of my MechMate project, (building it is only the beginning), spending $50 to $100 up front on a more detailed design/build documentation set might have been the best investment I could make. It could be optional, just like the Laser Cutting starter packages.

The MechMate the community exists on the backs of a few, generously giving of their time and expertise. There are limits. I selfishly want these experts around for a long time. I suspect their time might be better spent and minimally compensated for by making an optional reference design kit.

I don't wish to appear ungrateful. If not for this community, I would not have a CNC machine in my garage. I just think that by taking some lessons from the Vacuum Molder documentation experience, we could encourage more folks to embark on a MechMate project, and more would complete the MechMate projects started, and in a shorter period of time, if they started with a more complete reference design. The knowledge is there, it just needs to be collected and organized. This in itself is no small task but we are 95% there now.

My main company writes mobile application software, so we are well aware of the issues in managing a project with multiple authors. These have all been flushed out by the Open Source Software development community. The experience and tools are transferable to a project like this. When the time is right, I could suggest a few free Open Source management packages to aid in collaborative authoring.

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Old Mon 12 May 2014, 15:36
Just call me: Alan (#11)
Cape Town (Western Cape)
South Africa
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That option may well work in a well supplied market such as you are in, but remember this project originated in South Africa where the availability and supply of items differs vastly from your own or from someone in Aus, or Greece, or Malaysia or Brazil etc etc etc, and the methodology was established to make it possible for anybody in whatever location to successfully build and ultimately operate a fairly high tech piece of machinery

Those plans for the vacuum former which may be very good and complete, for you, are of little value to me who is nowhere near the sources listed and getting them here would be ridiculously expensive. The MechMate "format" while it may have some issues works well for most people throughout the world. For me building that vacuum former will require me to do a lot of searching, research and adapting to get it work, valuable skills I have honed while building my MechMate.

Last edited by Alan_c; Mon 12 May 2014 at 15:38..
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Old Mon 12 May 2014, 15:39
Kevin Ford
Just call me: Kevin #90
All valid points. Can there be no middle ground?
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Old Mon 12 May 2014, 22:06
Just call me: Ken
FOR Example, there are no way I can build the vacuum former economically with the BOM.... Hell I won't even know what heater to buy IF I don't research on the item...
P_s, If I were to purchase their kit, the heating element cost more than a water cooled spindle!!! Hence I said the vacuum former plan is a "temptation" but MM is definately "Do-able".
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Old Tue 13 May 2014, 00:32
Just call me: Hennie #23
Roodepoort JHB
South Africa
My Vacume forming Press that I use for the wrapped doors work on the same principle but on a big scale.The heater banks are items that can be bought at a good electrical shop valves comes from cobra that manufactures taps.and the rest is steel ,lights comes from a stove .This thing was built in South Africa so it can be done at good price.The pump though comes from Italy.I would say that in a radius of 20 km I would be able to source all my parts to build one.
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Old Tue 13 May 2014, 00:48
Just call me: Ken
Unless it is dedicated to a single region, its impossible to have "fits-all" BOM.
I'll wasted enough money on plans (with BOM) which I can never build within +/-50% cost variation over the decades...
Without a BOM, my MM are amongst the few economical builts known to the forum...
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Old Tue 13 May 2014, 08:59
Kevin Ford
Just call me: Kevin #90
Hi Hennie
While mine can mold up to 2 ft x 4 ft and 1/4" thick PVC, one always wishes for a tool that is just a little bigger.
Pictures please!

Last edited by Kevin Ford; Tue 13 May 2014 at 09:03..
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Old Wed 14 May 2014, 00:22
Just call me: Hennie #23
Roodepoort JHB
South Africa
Hi Kevin, I did a tread on the process it is somewhere in the forum I must say it was many moons ago.My table size is 9 x 4
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Old Wed 24 September 2014, 04:12
Kevin Ford
Just call me: Kevin #90
Hi Hennie
I am ashamed to admit I could not find that thread. Can you point me to it?
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Old Fri 09 October 2015, 04:08
Just call me: it
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