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Old Wed 07 July 2010, 14:07
Just call me: Kobus #6
Riversdale Western Cape
South Africa
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JR, I am glad that it worked out for you. When I had my 202 failure I contacted them asking for some info, but up to now have not heard a word from them. For us on the other side of the world it is not that cheap to send it off in the post, but maybe I should try and see what happens.

On the other side I am very happy with the UIM units I am running now. I did had to buy a new transformer ( lower voltage ), but I find my steppers running cooler and I cannot see any difference in speed. Maybe in top speed jogging, but cutting speed is just as fast as what I feel the MechMate can handle without jumping the rails or skipping steps.

Maybe I should post those 202's to you and you send it on for repairs for me
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Old Thu 08 July 2010, 00:31
Gerald D
Just call me: Gerald (retired)
Cape Town
South Africa
Kobus, maybe we should start a collection of dud gecko's out here and send them off as one combined shipment?
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Old Thu 08 July 2010, 00:36
Just call me: Kobus #6
Riversdale Western Cape
South Africa
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That's a good Idea. I have 2 units to go. Let me know.
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Old Thu 08 July 2010, 20:47
J.R. Hatcher
Just call me: J.R. #4
Wilmington, North Carolina
United States of America
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Irfan I never posted any pics of the lathe. I'll post some within the next week.
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Old Thu 08 July 2010, 23:18
Just call me: Minneapolis
United States of America
Hi JR. Thanks for the information. I think I should got my plywoods that way neither.
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Old Wed 14 July 2010, 10:53
Just call me: Roger
Matthews (North Carolina)
United States of America
I read most of your build diary and you are an inspiration! It is sort of funny that lumberjack Jeff is on one coast with the most frugal system, and you on the other coast with the most detailed system, and you are both building boats!. I don't mean to insult either of you. Both builds are impressive. I have a couple of questions that you can feel free to answer or not.
1. Are you making a living with the MM?
2. Did you integrate it into an existing buisness?
3. Did it fill an already identified need?

And last but not least. If I get more serious, can I come see you and your MM at work?
Roger, (near Charlotte)
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Old Wed 14 July 2010, 13:57
J.R. Hatcher
Just call me: J.R. #4
Wilmington, North Carolina
United States of America
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Roger I hope my answers are not tooooooo long. J.R.

1. Are you making a living with the MM? ...... no
2. Did you integrate it into an existing business? ....... yes
3. Did it fill an already identified need? ....... yes

4. And last but not least. If I get more serious, can I come see you and your MM at work? ......... yes
Roger, (near Charlotte)
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Old Thu 15 July 2010, 15:09
Just call me: Travis #75
United States of America
JR, Let's see some pics of your lathe if your willing to show and tell! Sounds interesting....
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Old Sun 01 August 2010, 08:52
J.R. Hatcher
Just call me: J.R. #4
Wilmington, North Carolina
United States of America
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Here are a few pictures of my homemade CNC wood lathe.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg MechMate1 080121 015.JPG (24.0 KB, 1486 views)
File Type: jpg MechMate1 080121 005.JPG (23.7 KB, 1487 views)
File Type: jpg MechMate1 080121 007.JPG (23.9 KB, 1486 views)
File Type: jpg MechMate1 080121 009.JPG (23.6 KB, 1482 views)
File Type: jpg MechMate1 080121 011.JPG (23.6 KB, 1484 views)
File Type: jpg MechMate1 080121 013.JPG (23.0 KB, 1484 views)
File Type: jpg MechMate1 080121 019.JPG (24.1 KB, 1487 views)
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Old Sun 01 August 2010, 09:14
Just call me: Kobus #6
Riversdale Western Cape
South Africa
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Now Mr J.R. Please explain how it all works. Is that big golden wheel the chisel ? Does that move towards and away from the workpiece. Then I see another stepper to move it left to right.

do you then just spin the workpiece at normal lathe speeds ?
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Old Sun 01 August 2010, 09:59
Just call me: Ken
BUT... Where are all the wood dust???
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Old Sun 01 August 2010, 11:26
Just call me: Alan (#11)
Cape Town (Western Cape)
South Africa
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Interesting concept - what sort of items do you produce with it?
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Old Sun 01 August 2010, 11:34
Just call me: Irfan #33
Hi JR thanks for the pics

a similar one on youtube

Assuming you being ready for questions - here are some

1. How is the finish of the cut
2. Do the customers like it
3. whats the time saved b/w manual and now cnc
4. what RPM are you spinning the cutting wheel at
5. what program do you use to generate the g code
6. What diameter of wood (minimum and max) can you turn on this??

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Old Sun 01 August 2010, 11:55
Just call me: vishnu
Hi JR,

Nice build, What did you use for the movement, Ball screw or Acme, How is the accuracy.I assume the motor to be a 2 Hp 2880 RPM one. Whats the finsh you are getting, do you sand then after turning? Love to see a video of your machine turning wood.


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Old Sun 01 August 2010, 19:48
Just call me: Jeff #31
Montesano, WA
United States of America
Originally Posted by qroger View Post
I read most of your build diary and you are an inspiration! It is sort of funny that lumberjack Jeff is on one coast with the most frugal system, and you on the other coast with the most detailed system, and you are both building boats!. I don't mean to insult either of you. Both builds are impressive. I have a couple of questions that you can feel free to answer or not.
1. Are you making a living with the MM?
2. Did you integrate it into an existing buisness?
3. Did it fill an already identified need?

And last but not least. If I get more serious, can I come see you and your MM at work?
Roger, (near Charlotte)
I want to be JR when I grow up.

West Satsop Boatworks is just getting started, but we've delivered two 19' boats to our main client.

Like JR, our niche will be making kits.

1) not yet, although we do now have positive cashflow (yay!)
2) no
3) the business was started up around the MechMate, and the relationship my business partner has with Samual Devlin.

As of delivery of the second Pelicano, the MechMate has paid for itself. I can't thank Gerald enough.
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Old Mon 02 August 2010, 09:05
J.R. Hatcher
Just call me: J.R. #4
Wilmington, North Carolina
United States of America
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This was my first attempt at CNC ....... 2005?. It was built on a shoestring budget. The rods that the carriage travels on are "1 inch black water pipe" just like it came off the shelf. The steppers directly drive regular all thread rod (I will be changing the Y axis to rack & pinion (problem with the rod whipping during jogging)). The motor driving the 8" chain saw cutter is .25 hp 1725 rpm w/ a 1:1 belt drive. The material turns very slow .... around 180 rpms. I can turn almost anything with this that I can turn by hand, however some pieces (depends on design) require some hand work to complete. It's accuracy is much better than almost all wood turnings done by hand. The software is "Mach3" and it is used as if it were a mill with no z axis (X is dia. and Y is length). The cam software is "Sheetcam" and does need to be fooled a little to make it work.

Kenc the wood chips are contained by the shower curtail

1. How is the finish of the cut? Very easy to sand
2. Do the customers like it? What customer wouldn't like CNC
3. whats the time saved b/w manual and now cnc? It does 90% of the work while I'm doing something else
4. what RPM are you spinning the cutting wheel at? 1725 RPMs
5. what program do you use to generate the g code? Sheetcam
6. What diameter of wood (minimum and max) can you turn on this?? .5" up to 12" The lathe is an old Delta (pre Rockwell) 6" X 36" with this thing bolted to the back of it, this way I can still turn by hand

Thanks everyone

Roger and Jeff .......... I want to be like anyone making money with his CNC

If I missed anyone's question please point it out.
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Old Mon 02 August 2010, 09:38
Just call me: Irfan #33
Thanks JR, if you get time put up some theory on how you fooled sheetcam
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Old Mon 02 August 2010, 09:47
Just call me: Jeff #31
Montesano, WA
United States of America
Your lathe is completely brilliant. Do you have any photos of workpieces you've made with it?
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Old Mon 02 August 2010, 23:27
Just call me: Johan #56
Empangeni KwaZuluNatal
South Africa
Hi JR,
What type of cutting wheel do you use on the lathe? Can you provide a link?
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Old Mon 02 August 2010, 23:31
Just call me: Heath
Cornwall, Ontario
JR, I like that lathe!
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Old Tue 03 August 2010, 04:57
Robert M
Just call me: Robert
Lac-Brome, Qc
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Interesting to say the least !
Appreciative of you taking time to share those photos.
When time permits, post some pics of it while working and you smiling cause it’ making you money
Congratulations, Robert
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Old Wed 04 August 2010, 07:19
J.R. Hatcher
Just call me: J.R. #4
Wilmington, North Carolina
United States of America
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Johan the cutter is homemade, it is a chain saw chain (smallest you can buy), the disc I turned on my metal lathe.

Thanks Heath

Robert and others .... next time I turn something I'll video.
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Old Sat 23 October 2010, 07:55
J.R. Hatcher
Just call me: J.R. #4
Wilmington, North Carolina
United States of America
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I remember someone posted a map of all cutting MM .... can't find it .... anyone know where it is. Thanks J.R.
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Old Sat 23 October 2010, 08:20
Just call me: John #26
Hebron, Ohio
United States of America

Here's a link to the Post with the KMZ file that Gerald was kind enough to extract for us from Roadkill 321's original work.
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Old Tue 16 November 2010, 06:12
Robert M
Just call me: Robert
Lac-Brome, Qc
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have purchased 5 9802 motors from Deitech.

BTW JR…. I'm curious
Why changing your motors to those new Deitech !?
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Old Tue 16 November 2010, 07:22
J.R. Hatcher
Just call me: J.R. #4
Wilmington, North Carolina
United States of America
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Robert I'm collecting for machine #2.
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Old Tue 16 November 2010, 07:25
Just call me: Alan (#11)
Cape Town (Western Cape)
South Africa
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No3 if you include the lathe, you're getting as bad as Sean now...
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Old Tue 16 November 2010, 08:19
Just call me: Sean - #5, 28, 58 and others
Orlando, Florida
United States of America
All mine aren't under one roof! I only get to visit them.
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Old Wed 15 February 2012, 19:28
J.R. Hatcher
Just call me: J.R. #4
Wilmington, North Carolina
United States of America
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Hello everyone, its been a while since I posted here but I read the forum on average once a week. I need some input from you guys. I'm cutting parts for a small business using 1/8" X 4' X 8' pvc (they supply material). We cut around 10 sheets every few weeks to a month. There are several different stock sheets, each sheet has around 20 pieces. Tell me what you think it's worth per sheet to cut this job. Thanks for the help .... J.R.
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Old Wed 15 February 2012, 20:02
Just call me: Sean - #5, 28, 58 and others
Orlando, Florida
United States of America
PVC extruded sheet cuts VERY quickly (1/2" pass with 1/4" spiral @ 280-400ipm) - and makes one heck of a mess. Just remember to wear a good filter/respirator mask if your in the little shop.

When I was cutting 3/4" PVC for cooler inserts at the ball field (to separate coke bottles), I charged 50 bucks a sheet to cut it, or 400 for the day if it was a large, repeatable qty.
It takes more time for clean up than it did to cut sometimes. Static cling!

Good luck my friend. Good to see you here.
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