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Search: Posts Made By: MetalHead
Forum: Motors & their mountings Wed 09 November 2011, 07:23
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
I wanted to post an update on this thread. I have...

I wanted to post an update on this thread. I have added this exploded view and a few pictures to show how the assembly needs to be assembled. The previous posts in the thread had the FR8 bearing...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Tue 10 May 2011, 11:35
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
The 1/2 - 13 bolt is to just line up the assembly...

The 1/2 - 13 bolt is to just line up the assembly for welding. The other small bolts on the ends of the shafts are only 1/4-20 bolt that do not stick out very far. The intent is for the axles to have...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Fri 06 May 2011, 06:47
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
These two shots show the assembly put together....

These two shots show the assembly put together. This is a kit that I will sell BPA01 and it will be $100.00 per motor plus $12.00 shipping.

This setup makes 3:3 to 1 belt drive.

BPA01 Kit

Forum: Motors & their mountings Fri 06 May 2011, 06:32
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
Man the last two weeks have sucked at work. They...

Man the last two weeks have sucked at work. They think they pay us to actually do stuff :D !!! Just kidding - sometimes we must pay the piper extra I guess.

Anyway I have the next series of...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 20:20
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
Here are a few close ups of the fit. The washers...

Here are a few close ups of the fit. The washers set off the pulley great and give enough space to rotate. Again the washers are smaller than the outside diameter of the FR8 Bearing so they spin with...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 20:14
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
Here is the welded up piece. I did actually tack...

Here is the welded up piece. I did actually tack weld the other side with the pulley mounted. This is risky as slag and aluminuim do no mix well. I did stick a leather glove in to cover the pulley...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 16:58
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
Now you can take the time to weld that leg in...

Now you can take the time to weld that leg in place. Take your time and do not move or bump things around until you get it welded. You will see the other leg is bent in the first picture. Also note...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 16:46
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
Here I take the large washers and use them to...

Here I take the large washers and use them to help hold things in place. This part does take a little fidgeting to get used to, but make sure all the washer and nuts are like the photo. You also use...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 16:36
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
Now I take the height that I got from the pulley...

Now I take the height that I got from the pulley and washers and move over to the leg that will sit on top of the plate. One leg hangs off and I will talk about that one shortly. It is best to take...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 13:09
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
This section takes the Marker and "Blues" the...

This section takes the Marker and "Blues" the legs for scribing. The lets us blind people see the scribe mark and makes cutting easy. You take the slide rule as shown and make sure it is flush on the...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 12:59
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
Here I have placed both washers on the same side....

Here I have placed both washers on the same side. This allows the pulley to sit flush on the plate. I am using this to measure the height inside between the plates. Once finished the washers will be...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 12:55
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
This series shows how I start using the 1/2 - 13...

This series shows how I start using the 1/2 - 13 bolt that is used for the feet to start the alignement of the two pieces.
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 11:49
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
This series of pics shows how to setup the plates...

This series of pics shows how to setup the plates for the adapter. Note that I had a splater issue. I did not use sheilding gas. Another tip to make cleanup easy and prevent this is to use Welding...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 11:34
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
Here are the plates and other items you should...

Here are the plates and other items you should have. You will need 2 of the FR8 Bearings and if you have the Belt Drive Plate Kit that has the whole the same side as the geared motor plate you will...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 11:23
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
Here are the tools you will need along with your...

Here are the tools you will need along with your welder and our trusty 4 inch grinder with a cut off wheel (MechMater's tool of choice !!!). The scribe is part of a pack that came from Harbor...
Forum: Motors & their mountings Thu 21 April 2011, 11:14
Replies: 20
Views: 49,106
Posted By MetalHead
MetalHead Metal Motor Plate Setup

I am going to go through the build out of my motor plates. I want to have it detailed in the forum. I will show how to get the alignment setup for the axle using a very easy process.
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16

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