View Full Version : Lubrication for rack & pinion?

J.R. Hatcher
Tue 26 February 2008, 05:28
I almost hate to ask this guestion. Do the racks need to be lightly oiled?

Gerald D
Tue 26 February 2008, 06:07
Hate to tell you this, but oil ain't good enough - lightly greased is the thing. It improves cut quality, lengthens pinion life and puts snazzy patterns on your shirt! :D

Tue 26 February 2008, 06:11

Check out the link below


Wheel Covers

Wheel covers provide lubrication to the Vee interface between the track and the v bearing guide wheel to help keep your DualVee system running at its best. The guide wheel is protected from direct contact with particulate or spray. Wheel covers come in a variety of sizes and heights to accommodate various bushings and integral guide wheels.


Lubricators, like wheel covers, provide lubrication to the Vee interface between the track and the v bearing guide wheel to help keep your DualVee system running at its best. Lubricators come in a variety of sizes and heights to accommodate various bushings, journals, and integral guide wheels.

Tue 26 February 2008, 08:30
What type of grease would you recommend? Lithium, Moly, Bearing? Is there any pro or con from one to another?


Tue 26 February 2008, 08:56
Would a dry film lubricant such as Dow 321 be appropriate? I am using this on all of my woodworking equipment with great success; saw dust, chips, etc. do not stick to it. I generally remove all grease and oil on new machinery and replace it with with Dow 321.

Gerald D
Tue 26 February 2008, 09:32
The best grease in this case is the cleanest one. You guys apparently have access to some motorcycle chain greases that are dryish and don't collect dirt. Every 6 months, when we dab a bit of grease on, we say "wow, what a difference, we really should do this every week!" :)

Sat 01 March 2008, 02:13

Which one of these do you think would be the best lubrication to use?


I believe they sell most of them at Lowes for us in the USA.


Gerald D
Sat 01 March 2008, 04:09
Nils, without opening the link, . . . . the cheapest one.

Sat 01 March 2008, 04:37

The link was bad. Here is an updated link.


Gerald D
Sat 01 March 2008, 04:44
Then I'm glad I didn't bother to open the link. Still not opening it. Answer is still the the cheapest one.

Jan de Ruyter
Thu 13 November 2008, 02:25
Chainsaw oil works best. It is formulated for messy, dirty environments.

J.R. Hatcher
Thu 13 November 2008, 05:41
Jan how do you apply the oil, manually with a cloth, or a brush, or some type of automatic device?

Thu 13 November 2008, 07:00
Two types of motorcycle chain lubricant is available in aerosol application method, one is Chain Lube – texture similar to oil, Chain Wax, both work well especially in the desert sand (perfect grinding paste) the wax is much thicker but be careful of the wax, do not let it dry on the MechMate frame, you will need a scraper to remove it. The wax also tend to become hard after a while, I stopped using the wax on my ATV and dirt bike because of the hassle to clean the bike frame and chains.

Gerald D
Thu 13 November 2008, 07:30
We use an old paintbrush with short stiff bristles and dab on a very thin coat of plain grease, leaving an oily layer with no visible signs of "lumpy" grease having been used.

On this Multicam page (http://www.multicam.com/eng/Products/5000series.html) there is a pic of an oiled felt pinion running on the back of the motor pinion.

Thu 09 July 2009, 06:14
I used have an hydraulic press in my workshop for hydraulic hose assemblies.
This press was set up at 240 tons and all the crimping sets were greased with this Anti seize Spray. I never had any marks on the steel even I produces large series of hoses. The Press worked for me 5 years in a row and is now doing the same job in another business ...but I do not know if the new owner is using this kind of Spray.
