View Full Version : On-line "tracer" (Vectorization of raster images)

Gerald D
Wed 07 November 2007, 01:45

Vectorization (aka tracing) is the process of converting a raster image to a vector image. Raster images are pixel-based, whereas vector images are represented by geometric shapes such as lines, circles and curves.

Tue 11 December 2007, 18:43
I was running some real-life conversion comparisions of this vs Adobe Illustrator's "Live Trace" capability and I think this is an excellent find. It is on par Adobe's vectorization tools. The intuitive way it picks color palettes is very nice too. You sure can't beat the price. Only thing I don't like is that there is no self contained app for it. If they ever decide to discontinue the webpage project, it'll be gone.

Bill McGuire
Tue 11 December 2007, 19:00
Standford University...
We probably already paid for it... through taxes...

Tue 11 December 2007, 21:51
Corel Draw X3 has this capability as well.:)