View Full Version : Parallel Port Insert for Control Box?

Mon 13 August 2012, 12:42
I hope someone can point me in the right direction, but does anyone have an ideas on how to find a plastic insert I can put on the side of my control box for the parallel port off the BOB? I would like to have it be a port I can attach directly to, as most computers are now, but I have heard multiple people say NOT to ground it to the case, as that would do, so I need some plastic interface that will get attached to the case, with the printer port extending through it to be plugged into from the outside. Any suggestions or places to look? I am trying to sort through some computer websites, but I'm on Dial-Up, so any assistance at all would be tremendously helpful. Couldn't find anything searching through here either. Am I the only one doing this? Does everyone else just have a cable that goes to their computer?

And because I know it will get brought up, I already have a plastic cover to slip over the port so when the computer cable isn't connected, I won't get dust ingress that way.

Is there another major reason why people don't do it this way? Thoughts? Comments? Rotten fruit?

Mon 13 August 2012, 14:42
I couldnt find anything to do the job so I made my own see here (http://www.mechmate.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4373&postcount=25) post 25 and here (http://www.mechmate.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15207&postcount=203) post 203. Insulating adaptor made from Tufnol.

Mon 13 August 2012, 14:52
Awesome job! And thank you.

Mon 13 August 2012, 15:59

What BOB do you have?

Mon 13 August 2012, 22:20
Use IDC ribbon connector (https://www.google.com.my/search?num=10&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=682&bih=454&q=db25+panel+mount+ribbon+connector&oq=db25+panel+mount+ribbon+connector&gs_l=img.3...1274.14061.0.14326. .1421.0j6j1j1.8.0...0.0...1ac.ZjXMGDzW23Q#hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=db25++idc+ribbon++connector&oq=db25++idc+ribbon++connector&gs_l=img.3...21213.35919.2.36848. 2016.0j4j2j0j1j1.8.0...0.0...1c.VWE-lpPjOeQ&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=ac7a0e0d8b26c114&biw=682&bih=454)
Terminating the cable is a no brainer, just aim & bang.
Open a square hole & 2 3mm hole for the mounting screw on your panel
Cost effective, a few dollars at worst... Should be able to find them in computer hardware shops.

This (http://www.mechmate.com/forums/showthread.php?p=58454&postcount=33) is how I did it.

Wed 15 August 2012, 01:07

from phoenix contacts they have. they sell from RS

RS part number is 493-2399
Brand Phoenix Contact Mfr Part No. 1689734