View Full Version : Whichprecise location of the coast(ribs) of crossbars Y to compared with 2 giders X

Fri 13 July 2012, 12:04
Good evening,

I am on the construction of the frame of a mechmate, and I do not find on the plans the precise location of the coast(ribs) of crossbars ( Y ) with regard to(compared with) 2 central girders (X) and their distances in the extremities (we know what distance they have kept(preserved) one of the other one however).

The logic in the absence of quotation would want that it is symmetric (centered), enters him(her,it) axis of 2 extreme crossbars being given in the plans, yet(now) visually on the overviews of the machine we see good that the extreme crossbars are not for equal distances of the extremities of central girders unless no quotation is supplied for all that.

Anybody has - t ' he confronted with this problem, why this asymmetry?

What is of the blow coast(ribs) to be respected or is not it a forward problem as for positioning of 8 central girders that will be advisable each to weld on 2 UPN?

( 10 10 302 for crossbars; 10 10 322 for central girders)

Thank you by beforehand for your answers


Je suis sur la construction du châssis d'une mechmate, et je ne trouve pas sur les plans l'emplacement précis des côtes des traverses(Y) par rapport aux 2 longerons(X) et leurs distances aux extrémités ( on sait quelle distance elles ont a conservé l'une de l'autre cependant ).

La logique en l'absence de cote voudrait que ce soit symétrique ( centré), l'entre-axe des 2 traverses extrêmes étant donnée dans les plans, or visuellement sur les vues d'ensembles de la machine on voit bien que les traverses extrêmes ne sont pas à égales distances des extrémités des longerons sans qu'aucune cote ne soit fournie pour autant.

Quelqu'un a-t' il été confronté à ce problème, pourquoi cette dissymétrie ?

Quelles sont du coup les côtes à respecter ou cela n'est-il pas un problème à terme quant aux positionnement des 8 longerons qu'il conviendra chacune de souder sur les 2 UPN ?

( 10 10 302 pour les traverses ; 10 10 322 pour les longerons )

Merci par d'avance pour vos réponses,

David et son pote.

Gerald D
Fri 13 July 2012, 13:54
Because the router is not in the center of the gantry, the cross-supports are offset by the same amount relative to the ends of the x-rails. Typically, the router is 100mm offset in the y-car/gantry, and that gives the 100mm offset mentioned on 10 10 300 W


Sun 15 July 2012, 10:54
Hi I understand the cross supports are offset by 100mm but what is troubling me is are the table legs offset by 100mm or are they placed symmetrical on the main beams. cheers guys

Gerald D
Sun 15 July 2012, 11:51
I think they are symmetrical on the main beams, but that is not important.

Thu 27 September 2012, 11:24
Hello Gerald,

I return to this since I met a teacher of vocational school that day, I showed him the plans.

Professional is the normal word for a teacher because do not understand why in terms that no tolerances are specified, to fill assess student work and provide us forward after studying parts perfect for mounting.

Are your plans governed by a general tolerance and / or tolerance for each particular piece?

(Which we saw here appears necessary content dimensions of a room to another, with a hole to another.'s Disadvantage (bcp I see more benefits, I assure you), c 'is that it will not fit the machine, but wants to be sure that the pieces that I will be given are reliable for mechanical engineering. (... he even talked geometric tolerance for flatness of surfaces, but good move. .)

What do you think?

Thank you once again for this lighting.
We do not want to miss the first turn and pedagogical technique.

A + +

Gerald D
Thu 27 September 2012, 23:58
On some drawings you will find tolerances. For most dimensions the tolerances are not so important, or they are "natural"......

In the real world (not the world of teachers) most people do not use tolerances when they give a dimension. When you go to a shop to purchase 11 meters of rope, do you give a tolerance?

After you fit the wood table to the steel cross supports, then you use the router and cutter to trim the wood table to be exactly parallel to the rails. Therefore, it is no problem if you use a +/- 10mm tolerance for the cross supports of the steel table.

Sun 30 September 2012, 08:24
Hello Gerald,

The MechMate can it be a tool that is not a legal constraint and safety for those like me who wish to settle in France by creating his company?

Is it necessary to get a certification or serial number for this? Can you provide once Mechmate done?

Do you know people in France or in Europe that uses Mechmate within a company? (Then I can get closer to them to see how they were able to adapt to these legal provisions)

Waiting for you to read,
Thank you for your valuable advice.

Anthony P.

Bonjour Gerald,

La MechMate peut-elle être une outil qui ne pose pas de contrainte juridique et de sécurité pour celui qui comme moi souhaite s'installer en France en créant sa société ?

Est-il nécessaire d'obtenir une certification ou un numéro de série pour cela ? Pouvez-vous les fournir une fois la Mechmate réalisée ?

Connais-tu des personnes en France ou en Europe qui utilise la Mechmate dans le cadre d'une entreprise ? ( je pourrai alors me rapprocher d'eux pour savoir comment ils ont pu s'adapter à ces dispositions juridiques )

Dans l'attente de te lire,
Merci pour tes conseils précieux.

Anthony P.

Gerald D
Sun 30 September 2012, 08:42
Sorry, I don't know the laws in France. A MechMate serial number will not help you in France because you build the machine yourself. Look for France in http://www.mechmate.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=78 to find people who are there.