View Full Version : DeskProto

Fri 11 November 2011, 12:11
Hello everybody !
I'm close to finish the new machine, the part's for the 4th axis will be cut next week.
During this short period I give a look at DeskProto and I think it's a good CAM software with a good price.
Since I don't have a 4th axis I start to study the capabilities and there is a small problem with the postprocessors. If I chose a Mach2/3 machine to create the tool path I can't use the 4th axis capability :eek: only if I chose another type of postprocessor specially designed for rotary.
The question is: any postprocessor who create a file with extension tap, nc, ncc is good? ArtCam and Aspire create tool paths specially for rotary but that wrapping and unwrapping operation is way to complicated compare with DP who accept any stl just like that.
Anybody give a try to this software?

Tue 26 November 2013, 09:57

I know this is kinda old. I bought DeskProto 6.1 (Hobby version) and so far I am pretty happy with it. I found it very easy to generate tools paths for rotary and they look pretty good to me.